SAM v 20240524 (May -2024)
- Ability to add 4 new fields to the smart directory.

key Features:
- Display quick overview of recent activities over a period of 3 months on SAM dashboard.

Key Features:
Auto resize of tile images and SAM logos
Connection Method in my Connections View
New look Admin Tab (in preparation for Discoverable Connections)
Tag to Auto download assets on iPad and iPhone
Bug Fixes
- Custom push notification from
- Assign and notify feature
SAM v 20191110 (November 2019)
Key Features:
Assign and notify feature
myINTERACT report #41 updated to include email address
SAM v 20190930 (September 2019)
Key Features:
For events in myINTERACT updated to:
- Manually re-order sessions in the agenda
- Add a colour to differentiate any session in the agenda
- Order URLs when assigning to sessions in agenda
- Include session description of up to 500 characters with a formatting editor to allow for line spaces, bold text etc
- Exclude speakers from speaker bio asset
- When sending push notifications in nextINTERACT and myINTERACT for an asset, it is now possible to:
- Include a message of up to 750 characters
- Disable the default message
SAM v 20190706 (July 2019)
Key Features:
- New office address for INTERACT updated in email templates
- Agenda CSV Import includes 'convert to text' for date in the CSV import tips
- SmartForm now accommodates additional field in title
SAM v 20190614 (June 2019)
Key Features:
- Now supports Single Sign On (SS0)
SAM v20190314 (March 2019)
Key Features:
- 'Terms of Use' pop up appears when SAM administrator logs in for the first time
- Doctor Speciality list in user profile updated
SAM v20181110 Release (November 2018)
Key Features:
myINTERACT now supports Notification badges for the scenarios of Event Invitations and Connection Invitations:
- Bug Fixes
- Minor Improvements
SAM v20181019 Release (October 2018)
Key Features:
Smart Library Support for URLs has been implemented in SAM

- Bug Fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- Bug Fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- Modular Agenda and Speaker Bio Event Assets are active in SAM, these are functional on mobile only.
- Smart Library support for Microsoft File Formats is available
- Bug Fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- Agenda and Speaker Bio Events assets are active in SAM, for more information please contact interact technology.
- Bug Fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), SAM has been made compliant as set by the regulations.
- Bug Fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- Smart Library Folders - Smart Library creation now has a fourth tab added called "Folders and Ordering", this allows for content to be assigned to specific folders.
- Cookie Bot has been added to SAM login as per the below:
- Privacy Fields are a optional and configurable feature that can be added into SAM. If added this will show up in the app as "View Privacy Contact Details"
- Bug Fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- Bulk/Multiple Invites - SAM has two extra options when adding connections, as per the below:
1. Invite 'Not Yet Invited' connections en-masse
2. Bulk Import new connections

- Deep Linking
Use of hyperlinks to directly launch a specific piece of content within myINTERACT. This is now available from the Daily Email Newsletter and can also be used in emails/eDM campaigns, websites or anywhere you choose to offer a link to drive users directly to your content. Click here for more information on deep linking. - Support for Microsoft Office: In order to guarantee that images, fonts and styling will be retained, we have removed support for xls, xlsx, doc, docx, pptx, and ppt so please convert to PDF before uploading to Smart Libraries.
- File size: Now limited to 500mb per file to ensure seamless download process for end users.
- Folders: Ability to create folders within smart libraries and order content within each folder further increasing the utility of the this asset. This update is currently available in SAM but will not available in the end user application for approximately four weeks. A release note will follow once available.
- Bug Fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- Smart Library Reporting - Reporting on Smart Library usage has been implemented into SAM for SAM Administrators to run as required.
- Bug fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- Bug fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- Bug fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- Bug fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- Smart Library Asset creation is live. This allows for a range of content to be shared with connections and user and also allows for those connections and users to add their own content to the library if granted the role.
- Bug fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- Bug fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- Bug fixes
- Minor Improvements

Key Features:
- Bug fixes
- Minor Improvements
- Security Updates

Key Features:
- Bug fixes
- Minor Improvements

Private Folders
The ability to create Private Folders in nextINTERACT only is live. This allows for sensitive content to be made available to a select list of users who have access granted to the private folder.

Key Features:
- Bug fixes
- Minor Improvements

SAM has been updated to enable the following features and enhancements:
Filter out users/connections
Reporting can be configured to filter out specific connections or users if the specific connection or user has been configured to be discounted from the reporting.
This can be completed in each application as per the below:
myINTERACT - Navigate to [myINTERACT]> [My Connections]> click the black right hand arrow> select the option Exclude from reporting> tick the box for the relevant connection
nextINTERACT - Navigate to [nextINTERACT]> [Users]> select the relevant user> check the radio button to Yes for exclude from reporting

SAM has been updated to enable the following features and enhancements:
Events Features
Event Teams have been configured to assist in defining content for events with multiple categories.
Customisable QR Codes have been configured to work in conjunction with Event Teams for defining the attendees in to the specific categories.
Push notifications can now be sent to event teams. This can be completed by accessing [myINTERACT]> [Events]> Edit the desired event> [Notifications]> [Add]
Two events specific reports have been configured and can be accessed via [Reports]> [My Events Reports]
- 34 - Detail - List of Events by Attendee
- 35 - Detail - List of Attendees by Event
One new nextINTERACT specific report for Sample App usage and can be accessed via [Reports]> [nextINTERACT Reports]
- 36 - Detail - Sample Tracker Report

SAM has been updated to enable the following features and enhancements:
Routine Newsletter Schedule
The newsletter email email sent out from SAM will always be sent 7:00pm Sydney time

Key Features:
- Bug fixes
- Minor Improvements

SAM has been updated to enable the following features and enhancements:
Wall Security
SAM now has an option whereby a myINTERACT wall can be configured to have all content password protected.
This can be accessed by navigating to [Admin]> [Settings]:

User Level Asset Assignment
Assets are able to be assigned to individual Users/Connections through SAM, this allows to limit access to assets to specific people rather than teams.
SAM Password Policy Update
The password policy for SAM has now been updated as per the below:
"Password must be at least 8 characters and include 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number"
Asset Level Push Notification
Push notification functionality has now been added on a per asset configuration.
This can be completed by accessing:
[myINTERACT]> [My Assets]> edit your desired asset
[nextINTERACT]> [Assets]> edit your desired asset
A new myINTERACT report has been added and can be accessed as per the below:
- [Reports]> [myINTERACT Reports] 33 - Detail - List of assets and asset versions downloaded by connections

Key Features:
- Bug fixes
- Minor Improvements

SAM has been updated to enable the following features and enhancements:
We are pleased to announce that the long-awaited Events functionality is now live and any symposiums, conferences, forums, etc. can now be configured and executed end to end in the myINTERACT application through SAM.Any connection that pre-registers to the specific myINTERACT wall will now send an email automatically to the company contact configured in SAM
Two new reports have been included in this version that allow administrators to report on all connections in myINTERACT or all users in nextINTERACT. They can be located as per the below:
- [Reports]> [myINTERACT Reports] 30 - Detail - Contacts List
- [Reports]> [nextINTERACT Reports] 29 - Detail Contacts List
SAM v20160815 Release (August 2016)
SAM has been updated to enable the following features and enhancements:
To make it easier to find a relevant report, all reports and descriptions have been updated.
Report numbers remain unchanged and reports are still available via the [Admin] tab in SAM.
Other specific changes to reporting include:
- Country and asset format added to 'Users ranked by asset opened' so its easy to identify usage across different regions (Report ID#17)
- Ability to generate a report that details usage of al OR specific asset by all users/connections (Report ID #27 for myINTERACT & Report ID #28 for nextINTERACT)
- When editing teams in SAM, the highlight defaults to the last team edited rather than the first team reducing the risk of making changes to the wrong team
- Ability to override URL validation when creating asset(s) for myINTERACT
- Email domain automatically validated when inviting a contact to myINTERACT
If you would like more information regarding these changes our friendly support team is available by sending an email to or contact your Account Manager for more information.
SAM v20160214 Release (February 2016)
Consolidate your INTERACT administration logins with the 'Group Administration' feature
This impacts nextINTERACT and myINTERACT company administrators
It is now possible to access multiple SAMs under one login.
The Group Admin features enables administrators to access multiple SAMs under one login providing faster and easier access to all company content across divisions and regions, without the need to remember multiple login and passwords.
For more information, or to enable this feature across your accounts, please contact your Account Manager directly or contact INTERACT Technology by email or phone 1300 77 82 84.
SAM v20160108 Release (January 2016)
This impacts myINTERACT Android platform only
SAM has been updated to enable the following features and enhancements for myINTERACT Android:
Asset types
- Reference libraries, audio libraries and calendar assets
Asset features
- A content menu in HTML assets
- Page level tracking of all supported assets
SAM v20151121 Release (November 2015)
nextINTERACT Reports
• List Of All nextINTERACT assets For Company: CSV export of all assets in a company
• nextINTERACT Device Inventory Report: CSV export of all devices, operating systems and nextINTERACT software version used
• SmartForm Report: CSV export of INTERACT SmartForms
These can be accessed under the [Admin] tab.
myINTERACT Reports
• List Of All myINTERACT assets For Company: CSV export of all assets in a company
• SmartForm Report: CSV export of INTERACT SmartForms
These can be accessed under the [Admin] tab.
There are also additional features in SAM to support asset creation for myINTERACT:
• URL redirect enabled for Desktop even for https:// links
• Page mode feature so PDFs can be configured to single, auto or double page layout on iOS devices
SAM v20151031 Release (October 2015)
We are pleased to announce that we have added new reports to SAM for nextINTERACT and myINTERACT. These can be accessed under the [Administration] tab.
NEW nextINTERACT reports:
nextINTERACT User List: a CSV export of all nextINTERACT users in your SAM. This is particularly useful if you need a list of all users.
User Performance Report: A report showing the number of assets opened and the total time these were opened in the selected period of time for every user.
Brochure Inventory Report: Ever wondered if you users have the correct asset version downloaded? This report will give you detailed information which asset versions are loaded on a user's iPad.
NEW myINTERACT reports:
myINTERACT Connections List: a CSV export off all myINTERACT connections. This report includes all contacts, invite status, date invited, date registered, connection created by and much more!
What Material Did My Connection Look At: a CSV export of assets opened by a single connection. When following up on a sales pitch this is the report you want to run to see what material your connection looked at in a given period of time. It will also display the amount of time each material was opened.
Top Connections By Company: A report showing the number of assets opened and the total time these were opened in the selected period of time for every contact in your myINTERACT account.
Top Connections By Team: A report showing the number of assets opened and the total time these were opened in the selected period of time for every contact in a specific team.
New images in the myINTERACT image gallery
Choose from 50 new images for the tile of your content.
SAM v20150326 Release (March 2015)
SAM Online Asset Packaging (SOAP) tool now has an image gallery.
Impacts myINTERACT Administrators only.
We are pleased to announce that as part of our ongoing platform enhancements, we have released a great new feature called an image gallery.
It is now possible to package up your content for myINTERACT and select an image for the tile on the wall. The gallery offers over 10 categories of images and we will continually add images to ensure your wall remains fresh and unique. Log in here and see how easy it is to create your own wall on myINTERACT.
- Streamlined registration process for myINTERACT
- Registration date recorded against each user
- Improved layout for contacts screen
- Simpler process to upload contact lists
- Ability to edit incorrect email addresses when invitations still pending for myINTERACT
- Overall improvements and some minor bug fixes
As always, our friendly support team is available to help you -
SAM Release (July 2014)
We are pleased to announce that the new CMS for nextINTERACT, SAM is now available. You will notice this next time you login at
The following PDF guides will help you with the new release of SAM:
- SAM The New CMS - A detailed explanation of the new layout and features
- SAM In a Nutshell - A quick guide for administrators
New dashboard giving a quick overview of recent activities
Icon view and filters for ease of use
Our friendly support team is available to help you through this change on 1300 778 284 (+61 2 8015 5320 from overseas) or
SAM Release (May 2014)
As of 13th May 2012, the nextINTERACT CMS supports integration with Dropbox meaning you can upload brochures and skin files directly from single or multiple Dropbox accounts.
This provides a number of benefits:
- Faster uploads. e.g. A 50Mb file takes around 14 seconds to upload.
- Greater collaboration amongst creative teams sharing files between agencies, graphic designers, and developers etc.
- Flexibility to choose your file upload method 1.) Local file; or 2.) Dropbox file.
- Time-savings by not needing to upload files into two systems.
To get started using Dropbox, simply login to the nextINTERACT CMS (Company Admins only) and define your Dropbox account using the [Dropbox Management] link. You will be requested to first authenticate to Dropbox, and then accept the [nextINTERACT CMS] Dropbox App request which gives the CMS permission to access the files in your Dropbox. Once setup, you can upload files from Dropbox to the CMS by selecting the [Upload file from Dropbox] option.
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